Sunday, August 25, 2013

            Well after a rough night of on again off again sleeping, I finally got my lost luggage!

Anja (a USA athlete) grew up in Germany and is slowly but surely teaching me some phrases.  "Morgen!" or  more commonly known as "Morning!" is my favorite so far, mainly because it is super easy to remember. I think everyone I passed this morning got a German greeting from me. 

Today while waiting for the bus, I was told that the town we are staying in can only be described as 'the Detroit of Germany'. It is somewhat of a run down city with more graffiti than actual advertisements and a liquor store on every corner. Either way, I am still in aw every time we leave the room. 

The drive to the event venue is about a half an hour by bus. We go through the city and even get to explore the farm lands a bit. It's really beautiful country, reminds me of the midwest a lot - but just a bit more Germany. 

I will post more about the venue and being in the kayak later, I just deleted more than half of what I wrote because I didn't realize how tired i was until ten minutes ago when i fell asleep at my keyboard. 
Long story short, it was a long day. 

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