Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 2:
Yet another day of pre race prep. I did my hour and a half of paddling as soon as we got to the venue and then the rest of the day is basically mental prep. I found out today that tomorrow I will have two heats and then the finals on Thursday. I am surprisingly relaxed for someone who is about to take on their first World's event. However, I know I won't be getting any sleep tonight. I keep visualizing the course and what it will be like. I have been told many times that you should always visualize your goal, so I just see myself going through my routine: START STRONG (6 spears with the paddle), STAY STRONG, GET STRONGER (30 seconds in start to pass someone),  GET THERE (45 seconds in finish the race) Last 5 strokes GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT.

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